Thank you once again for attending the Hispanic Roundtable’s First (Annual?) Community Summit on June 8, 2018, at Educational Service District 113. We had an amazing turnout of approximately 150
Professor India Ornelas’ Presentation
Attorney Steffani Powell’s Presentation
Hispanic Roundtable’s Presentation
Strengthening Sanctuary KYR for Employers
How to Get a List of Attendees to the Community Summit
As we discussed at the Summit, we want to protect the privacy of those who attended the Summit. We are working on creating a list serve for those who attended, but in the meantime, we have shared a list of the names and email addresses who registered on the Eventbrite site for the Summit. If you did not receive the list, and you would like to, please send an email to us at To protect the privacy of the attendees, we will be sharing with only those people we can confirm were in attendance.
Google Group (listserv) Web Forum
We have created a forum and invited everyone who registered via the Eventbrite website. Members should be able to invite others, and then the Hispanic Roundtable will moderate addition requests. We started a few discussion topics, but feel free to start others. We want the Forum to be useful for you.
We’ve set up the forum as a Google Group with the name ‘Hispanic Roundtable Community Summit Attendees’. To join, browse to and search for this group name.
Pictures of Business Cards from Dianna’s Café