“I Care” T-shirt Order Form


Buy a Tshirt and
Donate to NWIRP or ProBAR 
Donate directly to NWIRP by clicking the logo below

Please add “HRT” as a note when you donate directly via NWIRP’s website

Donate directly to ProBAR by clicking their logo below

Please add “HRT” as a note when you donate directly via ProBAR’s website


Northwest Immigrant Rights Project ProBAR Children's Assistance Project


Please join us in supporting those impacted by the current administration’s cruel and inhumane practice of separating families and disguising it as immigration policy. Order a t-shirt in response to Melania Trump’s callous “I Don’t Care” jacket, and make a donation to one of two immigration support funds.

Choose your size and charity above, then click the Add to Cart button. This will take you to a PayPal site where you will be able to make payment (by using the Checkout buttons) or continue shopping (by clicking the Continue Shopping link in the upper right-hand of the page) to add more sizes to your cart. Thank you for your support.

Una fuerte comunidad Latina. A strong Latino community.