Opportunity to Attend the University of Washington Math Academy


The University of Washington is still looking for applications for this summer’s Math Academy designed for high-achieving (minimum 3.0 GPA) high school juniors interested in Engineering. The deadline for applications has been extended to April 8, 2015. This program is free for student participants.

The College of Engineering Mathematics Academy helps students develop the math and problem-solving skills necessary to succeed in engineering and exposes students to a variety of examples of engineering in practice. Open to all students from Washington state, the Math Academy especially targets underrepresented minorities in engineering including African American, Latino, Native American, Pacific Islander and female students.

Math Academy is an intensive, four-week residential session held on the Seattle UW Campus in summer. Students engage in coursework created by UW math faculty and designed to develop the skills necessary to meet the high standards of college-level math and engineering. Students also have enrichment opportunities to explore the range of career opportunities available to engineers through lab tours, research projects, site visits and networking events.

For more information visit the UW Math Academy website: http://www.engr.washington.edu/alumcomm/mathacademy.html

We hope you will consider this opportunity and pass on this information to anyone who might be interested.